12 Ways To Stay On Track This Christmas

12 Ways To Stay On Track This Christmas

I get it it's party season. As we slip into December the invites start to pile up and temptations to binge are everywhere but with some clever planning and some practical tips, you CAN navigate the party season and still stay on your healthy living journey. Well kind of! 

Here are 12 tips to help you.

1. Track it! Watch your nibbling! Those little seemingly innocent chocolates and mince pies can have up to 200 calories in them and no nutritional benefit. If you nibble - track it! and own it!

2. Question it. If you are going to snack on something take a minute to ask yourself if you are really hungry or eating just because it's there? Can you distract yourself for half an hour until the craving goes away?

3. Protein load. At parties try to choose foods high in protein and vegetables to fill you up rather than highly processed and fatty foods. 

4. Keep drinking. Water that is. Keeping hydrated will help to quell those nibbling pangs.

5. Get moving. Get out and about with family and friends. Walking, ice-skating, dancing you will be amazing at how many calories you can burn if you move it. 

6. Balance it. If you know you are going somewhere where your food choice is going to be out of your control then plan to be extra careful for a few days before to limit the impact. 

7. Stay Accountable. Give yourself a treat allowance over the Christmas period. E.g 1 mince pie, 5 mini chocolates, 1 glass of bubbles. Cross them off as you consume them and stay in control. 

8. Plan It. If you are going out for the day then make sure you have a bar or ready-made shake to take with you so you aren't caught out. 

9. Eating Out. If you are going for a meal in a restaurant where you can check the menu ahead of time then choose before you go. Don't try to rely on your willpower in the moment to make the right choice.

10. Reward Yourself. Celebrating doesn't have to involve food & drink. Don't give up on your goals, spend some time looking after yourself with things that make you feel good. 

11. Get Organised. If you are going away over the festive season how can you stay on track? Make sure you take your water bottle and key products with you, try to stay in routine as best you can.

12. Watch Your Thoughts. It's very easy to fall into all-or-nothing thinking. (see last week's email on thought distortions). Remember just because it's Christmas doesn't mean you have to throw it all away. One blowout does not mean you've ruined your diet. Just make the next choice a good one. 
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