
I’m Alex and I am on a mission is to live until I am 100 years old!

Life is too short people are often heard to say - particularly when they are about to skip a workout or to over indulge in more food and drink than they really need or is good for them.

But what if life isn’t too short and you live to a ripe old age and you are not in a very good state of health?

How difficult will life be dealing with ill health for many years? My great grandma lived until the ripe old age of 96! Wow - amazing I hear people say. BUT she spent the last 20 years of her life in a bed as a result of an unhealthy lifestyle.

That is what drives me. Arriving at my 100th year in as prime a condition as possible (and without having to go without treats and enjoyment along the way!)

I haven’t always been as focused as I am now. I have had my own battles with weight and 10 years of being a couch potato! So I am well equipped with all the tools and strategies that I need to take accountability as far as I can for my own wellness.

I’d love you to join me

Have you ever had one of those moments when time stands still?

This was me 23 years ago… My sister sent me a photograph that my little niece had taken of me and didn’t recognise the person staring back at me anymore.

What had happened? Once upon a time I had been energetic and vibrant and could eat anything I wanted without putting on weight. Here I was, 4 stone overweight, sedentary, comfort eating and drinking too much wine to help numb the pain of having to deal with becoming so unhappy and uncomfortable in my own skin.

My wardrobe was full of black and baggy clothes. I hadn’t worn jeans in years! Frightened to even think about going on holiday and having to squeeze into a tiny plane seat let alone trying to find a flattering swimsuit that would fit and not make me look like a granny.

I was so disappointed with myself. I’d really let myself down.

I had reached the point where something had to change. I needed to change.

Initially, I tried to eat less and move a bit more but progress was so slow it was painful! I was so impatient. At my wits end, I reached out to a weight loss expert. I was anxious, a little nervous and worried that she would judge me but it was the best thing I ever did.

She helped me identify unhelpful habits and replace them with really simple tools and strategies to change those habits for good. I learnt about the foods that would support weight loss and those that hindered it and soon learnt that I could still have treats and lose weight.

Once I had lost the first couple of stones I was able to feel confident enough to go to the gym and I fell in love with working out!

After 12 months I was slimmer and fitter than I had ever been. Now I am even slimmer and fitter despite being in my fifties!

Taking accountability for my own well-being was the best investment of time and money I have ever made! I am creating my own health insurance policy.

Why You?

Everyone’s weight loss journey is different but the one thing that is universally the same is that willpower is never just enough. It might get you through for a while but having a toolkit of strategies in your pocket to help keep you on track and stay on that track long-term is really the answer.

This is what I am passionate about. My coaching approach to weight loss isn’t just about the products (even though they are the structure that will help you get there), it’s about helping you to manage your habits and mindset and become the kind of person you want to be, who makes those healthy choices naturally and with ease.

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