Are You Always Thinking The Same Things?...

Are You Always Thinking The Same Things?...

Do you believe that your thoughts have something to do with your life and health choices?

Science says that 90% of your thoughts are the same as yesterday

What does that mean for us?

According to Dr Joe Dispenza :

As long as you are thinking the same it’s likely your life and your health is going to stay the same because the same thoughts lead to the same choices.

The same choices lead to the same behaviours

The same behaviours lead to the same experiences

The same experiences produce the same emotions. Those same emotions influence our very same thoughts our biology & behaviour.

Nothing changes until we change - the principle of neuroscience is that neurons that wire together fire together. If you keep thinking the same thoughts and doing the same things you will just reproduce the same experiences that stamp the same neurones in the same pattern in time in our brains. We essentially hardwire our brain and condition our body emotionally to become a subconscious programme.

95% of who we are by our mid-thirties is a set of memorised behaviours and unconscious habits, hardwired thoughts and beliefs that function automatically

Thoughts become the language of the brain and feelings become the language of our body.

So with that in mind your challenge today is a really simple one:

Consider your thoughts
Become an active observer of your own thoughts
Consider if your thoughts are serving you
Are there patterns of thinking the same types of thoughts that you can become aware of for example:

  • I’m not the kind of person who
  • Oh well never mind one more won’t matter
  • I’ll go to the gym tomorrow
  • I’ll start again on the 1st or after 

Note down anything that stands out to you at the end of today that yours too to think differently about tomorrow.

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